It's International Left Hander day today; who knew there was such a thing? 😄 Anyhoo, in celebration, here's mine. Yes, I am a left hander. One of about 13% of the population. I can't really say I have strong feelings about it either way. I do remember that my fingers used to be covered in ink at school (writing left to right over wet ink and at least they had stopped tying your left hand behind your back, like previous generations) and wearing a watch on my right hand means all my long sleeves fray at the cuffs eventually. Lots of cutlery is designed for right handers too; cake forks, grapefruit spoons, fish knives....all stuff I don't use much 😄 Fortunately I cut fabric with my right hand, so no need for special scissors. But aren't hands really clever things? Are you a lefty or a righty?
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